Tuesday 6 October 2015

Wealth and success is not only a journey but also a trial ...

Coming from an Indian background,it is very common to hear that success and money has changed someone . We are so rooted and hold onto our traditions and culture so tightly that at times we don't realise that individuals change . I am all for the values and morals that were taught to us by our elders and modesty has always been on of my favorites. A humble person is not just a gem its also a surprise since not many are able to stay humble once a little bit of success has been tasted. We are of course very angry and disappointed with the "show offs" in the family or in the social circle . " Just look what money does to you hey " ." She is qualified now so she has no time for anyone anymore "or the famous and my personal favourite ,"she married rich so her nose is in the air now "

While this evokes anger in most ,i find myself feeling very sorry for the person in question since i know that their reason for being this way stems from a very tiring journey to become successful and the saddest part is they  have no idea that they have changed .Its sort of human nature to always "feel" humble .We all feel like we are down to earth  simply because we have been most of our lives .We surround ourselves with people whom have been a part of our struggle and who are equally happy to have come full circle so no one realises these things. It is because of this that many wise people have stated that you should spend time with people from all walks of life. The driven ambitious people so that you are constantly motivated,the pious and clean hearted individuals who always remind you to do right and be treated right and probably the most important these days ....those that are less fortunate than you are . Spending a day with a person who is unlike you can change your entire perspective on the way you have been leading your life.

Its extremely difficult to tell someone when they have changed because they will most likely not be able to see it at that time . You have a huge chance of being severely misunderstood. I believe a  better approach would be to not lose all faith in anyone and realise that we all at times abandon our humble roots for various reasons .I know i have often surprised myself by making certain comments that did not sound like my usual grounded self. I did not plan to say it , it just happened usually out of frustration or the obstacles i had to take to get here .

This post is in no way justifying egotistical behaviour ,it is simply bringing to your attention that we all have the ability to sound that way at times.It is a difficult struggle to remain grounded therefore we should cherish those that remind us to remember where it all began . We are human and we fail and try on  daily basis . Lets make this a trial as well....... a trial that we pass by constantly reminding ourselves to keep humble and in turn help others to stay that way too.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Yesterday i met me again

I remember last week being about trying to meet someone who was incredibly difficult to get a hold of but eventually i did succeed in setting up a meeting with them .We meet various people in such ways on a daily basis but what has  intrigued me recently was that at times you can actually meet yourself after not having seen yourself in a while . Mind boggling?? I think not because it is something i know you would have experienced at some point as well .

In the weirdness of life more often than not we become part of the constant change and  we do the inevitable ,we change over years. Change is one of those distinct factors that is either good or bad . However having said this i also believe that at times change is just meant to happen so instead of debating  how good or bad it is today my focus is how to  accept that it is needed at various junctions in your life .The other fact i have explored about change is it always stems from a particular circumstance that usually the individual in question had been faced with.I am in no way saying that one should not self reflect because gosh we need to hang onto the good humans since they are so scarce therefore self reflecting individuals rock however do not be too hard on yourself if a friend or a family member has detected a change in you that perhaps is not suited to them .

So how do we survive the process of change ........this is my personal take on it . When you adopt a change and it is suited to you, you will still recognize yourself ,the issue begins when the change has made you someone you do not recognise becuase that means that you are uncomfortable with that change . Then you know that it is time to make that special journey you take to get to meet yourself again .,like most journeys there is no guarantee of the destination however do enjoy the journey because it will give you more than it could ever take away from you .

This little bit said and done i wish you a safe enjoyable journey and i know it is going to be a good one because it is a journey you are taking in order to meet your fabulous self .....(yes i think you are fabulous) .

toodles ......

Wednesday 12 November 2014

I love "different"

I have often thanked my parents and my upbringing that allowed me to work in the outside world whilst still upholding the values and morals that my parents have instilled in me.It is through this journey that has allowed me to meet different types of people .Meeting someone who is totally different from you is so refreshing and offers you so many lessons that you learn and keep with you for the rest of your life,Meeting people of different races,cultural groups and backgrounds has allowed me to appreciate diversity and helped broaden my mind .Every once in a while i always come across people who are just so beautifully unique and different from anyone i know.This person is usually the individual who does not conform to the norms of society and is so beautiful in their ability to be themselves always.

Unfortunately instead of appreciating someone for their genuine behavior society ridicules them and judges them for being themselves.This is very prevalent among the Muslim and overall Indian community.People are respected if they dress in a certain brand ,speak a certain way and are simply able to fit in with the rest.I cannot and will not waste too much time on people who have their minds so narrowed that there isn't place for much else to settle in.If you are okay with being judgmental and base your impressions of people on shallow aspects then so be that .However this message is entirely for those that don't fit in,are always told how different they are.......

You are a breath of fresh air among all things fake and pretentious. I look forward to meeting you anywhere especially in a crowd where you don't seem to be fitting in. You are special simply because you are "you" and you aren't afraid to be real and genuine.Surround yourself with people who love you for being yourself since the worst thing you could do is change .The world needs more people who are an original copy of themselves .

"You don't fit in because you stand out "

Monday 13 October 2014


 I would like to thank those who did email me with feedback.The response was amazing and surprising! It was delightful being appreciated and having people tell me they have been reading all the posts.Please do continue to email me or comment on the posts as i would  love to hear the opinions of the readers !Hearing from you has motivated me to continue writing,thank you so much for all the support.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Why is my chai different from yours

I am one of those annoying people who behave as if my world would end if I don't have tea and I also often believe that that one cup of tea is the answer to most if not all my problems that I encounter during the day .I don't mean to make a huge deal out of one cup of tea but I swear I am not exaggerating or placing undue importance on that one cup of tea. I just wish everyone could experience the emotions I associate with tea. So I am  going to make an attempt to explain myself in the hope that by the end of this post you try a cup of chai yourself.......

Being a passionate tea drinker you would assume its the first thing I do upon rising however it is actually done after I have woken up extra early to complete chores before work so that I have ample time to make the tea and sit down to have it .The reason for the tea dead line being that I would like to have done what I had to before leaving the house by the time I sit down to that one cup of tea before  facing the crazy day .It is a time I choose to reflect on most things, dread some and look forward to some parts the day ahead. Most importantly it is a time that I spend entirely with myself and of course with my thoughts that flow so freely whilst drinking in that beautiful bit of caffeine .....heaven in a cup and all the motivation needed to begin the day.

I make sure that this is a time I spend entirely with myself therefore getting up extra early or getting to bed abit later is a small sacrifice that gives me an opportunity to reflect upon my actions and the path my life seems to be taking. The only person you should always be in total peace with is yourself and for that you have to spend time with you .You are special, you make mistakes that you need to correct, you are unique and most importantly you are you and you should enjoy being that person without the need for acceptance from anyone .All this can be realized and reinforced by spending that little quality time with yourself each day.

So.....the next time someone seems to be in a hurry to have that special cup of tea do remember why we passionate tea drinkers seem to think that ............."our chai is different from yours"

Tuesday 7 October 2014


Often people have writers block but i have been experiencing some sort of traffic with regard to how much i would love to write about!.So many topics so little time.......

Please look out for the following during the week :

A short but direct post about the questions i have received from people about the boycott of Woolworths.

A very frank hardcore approach to why people resort to suicide.....not for the faint heart.

The apple of my eye ,the most innocent amazing little creature with eyes that melt my heart and assure me i am  loved every time i look into them......my furry friend.....bunny.

Thanking god for the gift of good girlfriends....

My really disappointing year....cliche but i guarantee you it is seasoned with a unique take that will leave you feeling great !

A good cuppa........makes the world right .Why is my chai different from yours .....

Till then.....toodles my lovelies.Today's parting shot.......

"There is nothing sexier than an intelligent conversation"

Thursday 2 October 2014

Its not logic,its scary,its heartbreaking ,its brutal,it has no mercy.........it is CRIME

I am every bit the patriotic South African ,i am incredibly proud of my land .However the reality of our country is that it is currently poverty stricken and crime infested.Having being a victim of  crime many times myself i have lived through it and learnt to now live with the fear of having my life threathened when i least expect it.We are all in danger even in the vicinity of our own homes.Since we are all in the system one would assume we would be understanding of each others situations however this is not always the case .After my ordeals i was incredibly grateful to be safe and alive by the good grace of god I had many people who had supported me and helped me to deal with the fear and trauma however there were those few that just didnt quite get it.The random "why did you not do this rather or why were you there at that time"questions always suddenly popped up amongst the" we gald you okays and god is great"

Here is the thing really........when you have a gun held to your head by a  few men who are twice your size rational thinking kind of abandones you for a while.It is really that simple......a gun,a knife to your throat and you are helpless.Please do remember that before you speak to anyone who has been a victim of crime.Understand what a victim of crime means .....it means having your life flash right before your eyes,it means having your dignity ,confidence and ability to reason stripped from you in  a matter of seconds.Do not be someone who has to experience something in order to understand it .I would never wish that  for even the people i dislike.It is not a feeling anyone should have to feel .Its injustice and it is heartbreaking to feel so helpless at the hands of people who call themselves human beings.

Empathy is a beautiful feeling because it means you took a few seconds to place yourself in the other persons shoes. As South Africans who love our country and want to live here we can emphatise with fellow citizens when it comes to fearing crime and the safety of us and our loved ones. This being said I, along with many South Africans hang onto the hope of a crime free nation in a beautiful country that we hold very close to our hearts.